Monday, September 5, 2022

MetatarsalStress Fracture-Detection, Causes, and Treatment


A metatarsal fracture is a hair line fracture ankle in one of the metatarsal bones of the foot. This type of fracture is a stress fracture that happens due to repeated stress on the metatarsal. It happens if one changes direction abruptly twisting the ankle and the foot in the wrong way or repeated stress on the foot. This fracture is common among individuals who deal with a lot of turning, balancing, or jumping like dancers and athletes. The first symptom of stress fracture heel hair line is foot pain and inability to bear weight on the foot.

The metatarsal fractures are described using their location, displacement, articular involvement, fracture pattern, and angulation. The podiatrist does recommend plain radiographs of the foot for proper diagnosis.

Types of metatarsal stress fractures:

  1. 5th metatarsal fracture common in adult
  2. 1st metatarsal fracture common in small children under 4 years.
  3. 3rd metatarsal fractures rarely occur in isolation because it is associated with the 2nd or 4th metatarsal. These are rare and can happen in a decade of life.

A fifth metatarsal fracture is a fracture on the outer edge of the foot. The fifth metatarsal is the long bone connecting the ankle to the little toe. This fracture occurs from overuse, injury, or high arches.

There are three types of metatarsal fractures

Avulsion fracture or zone 1 is a fracture of up to 93% of all fifth metatarsal fractures. It means a small piece of bone pulled off the portion of the ligament or tendon. It occurs as a result of an injury causing the ankle to roll. This fracture is overlooked because most of the time it occurs with an ankle sprain. Some symptoms experienced outside of the foot are pain, bruising, tenderness, discomfort, and swelling.

Jones fracture or zone 2 occurs in a small area of the fifth metatarsal and receives less blood. It leaves the foot prone to difficulties in healing. A Jones fracture can be sudden (acute) or a stress fracture that is a tiny hairline break overtime. Commonly occur due to repetitive trauma, overuse, or trauma. Though less common,they are difficult to treat.

A dancer’s fracture or a mid-shaft fracture or zone 3 is usually a result of twisting or trauma. The injury occurs at the metatarsal neck and head.


Your podiatrist Houston will take the history of when and how the pain started. Then through physical examination, the podiatrist locates the pain. An X-ray may be requested for proper diagnosis; however, the jones fracture may not be visible. At this point, the podiatrist might request an MRI or a scan to get more details of the injury.


The treatment of the fifth metatarsal depends on your age, activity level, overall health, and whether the fractured bone has moved out of place.

  1. Immobilization is recommended for the treatment of avulsion and Jones fractures. The foot can be stabilized with a boot, cast, or stiff-soled shoe while the injury heals. In severe cases, crutches are used. Immobilization lasts between six to eight weeks.
  2. When the bones have been displaced, surgery maybe recommended. It works for Jones fractures and Mid-shaft fractures.

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