Saturday, December 3, 2022

Neuroma Specialist Houston on Neuroma Pain


A Neuroma is a common foot condition. In this condition, the plantar nerve is trapped by the surrounding ligaments. The compressed nerve is inflamed and sends out pain signals to the body. When the body responds to this, it produces additional tissue in response to compression and limits the amount of space available for the nerves. A Neuroma specialist Houston is best qualified to diagnose Morton’s Neuroma for an appropriate treatment plan.  Houston Neuroma specialist near me has different options to be discussed on the treatment of Neuroma pain.

Some conditions that trigger Neuroma include:

·         Wearing high heels puts pressure on the front of the foot.

·         High-impact exercises put repeated stress on the ligaments and nerves of the feet. An example of the exercises includes running.

·         An anatomical deformity such as high arches or bunion changes the alignment of the nerves and ligaments of the foot.


The most common sign of Morton’s Neuroma is pain at the bottom of the foot. The pain is more evident during movement running, walking, or exercising. The pain comes and goes and sometimes it can extend for a long period. The pain is sharp with a sensation of a stone stuck in the shoe.


While it is always possible to surgically remove the Neuroma, it is not always the first option for any podiatrist Houston. There are conservative therapies that can be explored before surgery.

Some conservative treatment options include:

1.       Change of shoes – wear wider shoes that put less pressure on the metatarsal bones and the nerve. Wear the widest shoes that keep the feet comfortable and avoid worn-out shoes. All shoes that squeeze the foot to the front should be worn for long period.

2.      Wear orthotics – these create efficacy and stability for your feet. the mechanical pressure of the foot is redistributed away from Morton’s Neuroma. There is decreased inflammation and the pain is alleviated.

3.      Anti-inflammatory medication- reduces pain and reduces inflammation.

4.      Cortisone injection – the injection is prescribed as a better option than oral anti-inflammatory medication. The injection is administered in the area of inflammation while the oral medication goes through the entire body. The effect of the cortisone lasts about two weeks and is lasting and it lets you back to your regular activity. The cortisone injection does not get rid of the Neuroma but reduces inflammation and pain.

Surgical treatment

Neuroma pain might persist and a Neuroma specialist Houston may recommend surgery. It is done after conservative therapies fail. The surgery is straightforward because the foot doctor can see the Neuroma and remove it. A piece of the nerve is removed and you might experience numbness in the foot. You might be required to use a surgical shoe for around 3 weeks to allow the incision to heal.

Neuroma issues can be very uncomfortable. If you are experiencing pain in your foot or ankle, contact the podiatrist at DeNiel Foot & Ankle Center. Our foot doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

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